Sunday, November 15, 2015

Gratitude Journal 11/15/2015 - Inspired by Caity Bunch

Thankful for people who write, the internet, and frankness.
Don't get me wrong, I am not dieting, I love cookies but I also really like the sentiment in this article. Read the whole thing I posted the page it came from below.
I absolutely LOVED this article – and it needs to be read: An Open Letter to My Weight Loss Clients:

I’m sorry because every time you ate something you “shouldn’t” or ate more than you “should,” I talked about “getting back on the bandwagon.” I cringe now every time someone uses that phrase. When did the way we eat become a bandwagon? When did everyone stop eating and become professional dieters? I’m sorry because I get it now.
If you’re trying to starve your body by eating fewer calories than it needs, of course it’s going to fight back. I used to tell you that then, when you wanted to eat less than 1200 calories a day. The problem was, I thought 1200 was enough. I thought that was plenty to support a healthy body. Why did I believe that for so long? I’m sorry because I wasn’t trying to trick you or play games to get your money. I believed the lies we were fed as much as you did. 
I am sorry because many of you walked in healthy and walked out with disordered eating, disordered body image, and the feeling that you were a “failure.” None of you ever failed. Ever. I failed you. The weight loss company failed you. Our society is failing you. 
Just eat food. Eat real food, be active, and live your life. Forget all the diet and weight loss nonsense. It’s really just that. Nonsense. 
Eat real food!  Gluten free cookies are still cookies."


Heck yeah!!!

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