Saturday, March 18, 2017

Gratitude Journal - Redo - 3/18/17

We all share in life's little difficulties. We see things not as they but as we imagine that they should be and then are upset when they do not turn out this way. But why? Why do we constantly lull ourselves into this trap of discontent. For a particular example we know that people all do things differently; we know that the likelihood of someone seeing the world in our particular way is rare, if not impossible, and yet we do this almost every day. This sort of "see things my way, or die" attitude that gets people in very precarious situations.

I have written before but it still holds true now that gratitude is a difficult thing. It is not easy to remove all the noise that we create around us and in our own heads enough to appreciate anything, large or small. It is a daily feat that we would do well to embrace more; to get out of the imaginary world of everything should be prefect and understand that maybe most things are not but there is some beauty in that too.

All that said this morning I am grateful for bright green spring time trees, overcast skies that make the spring colors more vibrant and my first cup of coffee this week.

And for Jane in a swing.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Uhh ohh

Courtesy of Mr. Money Mustache,

"A Complainypants looks only at results – seeing the external trappings or the successes of a particular role model’s life, and justifies why he can’t have those things. And then makes himself unhappy because of not having those results."

I might be one.... what about you?

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Gratitude Journal 04/09/2016 - inspired by Caity Bunch

"Take it from me it's not easy being green." I love Kermit the frog for these words. Sometimes it's not easy to be ourselves. We wish that we could be all sorts of things. Not like when we were kids and believed that all these things were true, imaginable, and achievable. Below is the article that I want to remember always. It has great insight, at least for me, into what goes wrong in adults. Overcoming mediocrity

My biggest take away from it is this line:

"Remember the possibility of possibility"

To me this means to remember, as the article says, to do what kids do, believe and remember that I can be better, stronger, smarter, faster; I can be everything and anything all at once. My limits are limited only to my imagination and my belief, no matter how old I am.

You may say "but I don't have time, I don't have money, I would have to go back to school, I would have to quit my job, I am too old, too tired," too whatever. These are excuses, mental limitations that are simply self imposed. The problem is when and that we see them as truths (yes, I do this all the time, so don't think I am exempting myself from this. I am the most  guilty of this, just ask Igor.) We believe that these "buts" are fact. Something that helps here is thinking of what my Mom always used to say to me "when you say 'but' I know you don't want help, you just want someone to listen." She couldn't be more right.

When we "but," "would have to," "can't," or any thing else like this we haven't gotten to the spot where we are ready to leap, to accept, that these things are possible. We are limited, self limited, and not ready to see that it is just our minds that are holding us back for whatever it is that we really want. And just like in the conversations with my Mom, when I am (we are) ready for help or to take that jump, those words turn into acceptance and then into actions.

So my gratitude today is for this article and the hope that I, and you, remember the wisdom that I have gotten out of it. To look in the face of all my "can'ts," "buts," woulds," and "if onlys," and say "I know what you are" and change them all to "I wills", "I cans," and move forward.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Gratitude Journal 02/17/2016 - Inspired by Caity Bunch

Grateful for the fact that some people really care about what they do. Check out these awesome music videos by the band "OK Go"

Their very first music video

Their latest video

Monday, December 21, 2015

Gratitude Journal 12/21/2015 - Inspired by Caity Bunch

Thankful hat even though there is no tree this year it still is being to look like Christmas.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Gratitude Journal 12/14/2015 - Inspired by Caity Bunch

Grateful for New Years in Norway 2009 with one of my favourite people, Lisa! And for this epic picture that I took while I was there. Still one of my best I think.